
Countdown to Christmas...18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11 More Days Left!

Ok, it seems that I am terrible at posting something every day. I honestly just don't think I have it in me. Not because I don't want to or because I'm not enjoying this countdown, but somehow, something always seems to come up and then I find that there's only one night that I really can take the time to sit down and put everything up. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. With the kids at school, family at home, and the hundred other commitments you have throughout the week that sometimes you just can't make those multiple postings or even just stay updated every day. I really do apologize that I haven't kept up though and from now on I will be putting the days up in bunches. You are welcome to open them all at once or open one a day in the spirit of the holiday. It's completely up to you. These Countdown Gifts include Santa clipart, a class activity, and more! Happy Holidays and I hope you have a great rest of the week!

Click here for 18 days left until Christmas!

Click here for 17 days left until Christmas!

Click here for 16 days left until Christmas!

Click here for 15 days left until Christmas!

Click here for 14 days left until Christmas!

Click here for 13 days left until Christmas!

Click here for 12 days left until Christmas!

Click here for 11 days left until Christmas!


Countdown to Christmas...Only 19 More Days!

Only 19 more days! CRAZY! I still have some Christmas shopping to finish before we get on that plane to head home. We're so excited that the airline we're going with lets us have two checked bags and two carry-ons. We're planning to take two suitcases home with just Christmas gifts so that on the way back to Shanghai we can fill them with all of the wonderful American goodies that we miss. Just to name a few of them: cereal, Brianna's Poppyseed Dressing, Crystal Light Pink Lemonade, and various seasonings that are ridiculously expensive here. I can't wait!!! What are you hoping for this Holiday season?

Click here for your next FREEBIE!


Countdown to Christmas...20 More Days!

Only 20 more days until Christmas! Here's my next FREEBIE for today's countdown. I hope you enjoy it and if you do pass it on to your own followers :-) Have a great Thursday (we're almost to the weekend!) and see what I have for you tomorrow!

Just click here for your new FREEBIE!


Countdown To Christmas...23, 22, and 21 Days!

Well...all my good intentions of getting one gift out each day have obviously gone down the drain as I haven't posted for the past two days. This means that today you get the Countdown to Christmas gifts for days 23, 22, and 21--oops! I really do promise to better after this, one a day, cross-my-heart! It's just been a crazy few days at school and home but it should slow down now. I hope that you enjoy these new special gifts though-- I think they turned out pretty cute!

Click here for day 23.

Click here for day 22.

Click here for day 21.


Countdown to Christmas FREEBIE...24 More Days!

Wow! It's already December, this past year has just flown by! Now it's time for a countdown to Christmas {my favorite holiday of the year}! Tim and I will actually be going home for Christmas this year {last year we went to Thailand} and we could not be more excited!!! I got to go home for a bit this summer but Tim hasn't been back to the states in almost a year and a half so he's thrilled. Needless to say I am literally counting down the days until Christmas arrives and I bet you are too. And in celebration of this wonderful season I have created some gifts for all of you. Every day until Christmas I will put up a new one and I'll give you a hint to what's inside: each one will have something to do with my wonderful Christmas Clipart. This may be activities using the clipart or just the clipart themselves. You'll have to see for yourself! Happy Counting and Happy December!

Click here to find the first gift--only 24 more days until Christmas!!!