
Countdown to Christmas...18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11 More Days Left!

Ok, it seems that I am terrible at posting something every day. I honestly just don't think I have it in me. Not because I don't want to or because I'm not enjoying this countdown, but somehow, something always seems to come up and then I find that there's only one night that I really can take the time to sit down and put everything up. I'm sure you all know what I'm talking about. With the kids at school, family at home, and the hundred other commitments you have throughout the week that sometimes you just can't make those multiple postings or even just stay updated every day. I really do apologize that I haven't kept up though and from now on I will be putting the days up in bunches. You are welcome to open them all at once or open one a day in the spirit of the holiday. It's completely up to you. These Countdown Gifts include Santa clipart, a class activity, and more! Happy Holidays and I hope you have a great rest of the week!

Click here for 18 days left until Christmas!

Click here for 17 days left until Christmas!

Click here for 16 days left until Christmas!

Click here for 15 days left until Christmas!

Click here for 14 days left until Christmas!

Click here for 13 days left until Christmas!

Click here for 12 days left until Christmas!

Click here for 11 days left until Christmas!


Countdown to Christmas...Only 19 More Days!

Only 19 more days! CRAZY! I still have some Christmas shopping to finish before we get on that plane to head home. We're so excited that the airline we're going with lets us have two checked bags and two carry-ons. We're planning to take two suitcases home with just Christmas gifts so that on the way back to Shanghai we can fill them with all of the wonderful American goodies that we miss. Just to name a few of them: cereal, Brianna's Poppyseed Dressing, Crystal Light Pink Lemonade, and various seasonings that are ridiculously expensive here. I can't wait!!! What are you hoping for this Holiday season?

Click here for your next FREEBIE!


Countdown to Christmas...20 More Days!

Only 20 more days until Christmas! Here's my next FREEBIE for today's countdown. I hope you enjoy it and if you do pass it on to your own followers :-) Have a great Thursday (we're almost to the weekend!) and see what I have for you tomorrow!

Just click here for your new FREEBIE!


Countdown To Christmas...23, 22, and 21 Days!

Well...all my good intentions of getting one gift out each day have obviously gone down the drain as I haven't posted for the past two days. This means that today you get the Countdown to Christmas gifts for days 23, 22, and 21--oops! I really do promise to better after this, one a day, cross-my-heart! It's just been a crazy few days at school and home but it should slow down now. I hope that you enjoy these new special gifts though-- I think they turned out pretty cute!

Click here for day 23.

Click here for day 22.

Click here for day 21.


Countdown to Christmas FREEBIE...24 More Days!

Wow! It's already December, this past year has just flown by! Now it's time for a countdown to Christmas {my favorite holiday of the year}! Tim and I will actually be going home for Christmas this year {last year we went to Thailand} and we could not be more excited!!! I got to go home for a bit this summer but Tim hasn't been back to the states in almost a year and a half so he's thrilled. Needless to say I am literally counting down the days until Christmas arrives and I bet you are too. And in celebration of this wonderful season I have created some gifts for all of you. Every day until Christmas I will put up a new one and I'll give you a hint to what's inside: each one will have something to do with my wonderful Christmas Clipart. This may be activities using the clipart or just the clipart themselves. You'll have to see for yourself! Happy Counting and Happy December!

Click here to find the first gift--only 24 more days until Christmas!!!


Gingerbread Boy & Girl Clipart Giveaway!

I just finished my cute Christmas Clipart! YAY me! I'll be putting it up soon. Until then here's a preview of my Gingerbread Boy & Girl clipart. Just click on the image you want and save it to your computer and voila, it's yours! All of the images come in png, jpg, bw & color format. Enjoy!


Albuquerque Turkey {It's Almost Turkey Day!}

Before we know it Turkey Day {aka Thanksgiving} is going to be here! Bring on the food! Even though Tim and I live in China we're still planning to celebrate. Last year someone {an American family} invited us over to their house for Thanksgiving but this year we are on our own. I am already trying to figure out where to get all of the supplies but I think I can do it {I'm so excited for stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, and of course pumpkin pie}. The only thing we'll be missing at the table this year is an actual turkey and that's mainly because it costs about $100 here to buy a turkey. It's absolutely ridiculous! But we'll still enjoy Turkey Day even if we're turkeyless.

Ok, now onto school talk :-) How many of you have heard Dr. Jean's Albuquerque Turkey song? It's awesome! I love teaching it during the Thanksgiving holiday month. You can find it here if you're interested. So, this year I actually created the clipart to go along with the song to help my ESL students learn it a little easier. You can find it here on my google drive. Just open and download! I also have included all of the clipart that I used on TPT. You can find it here.

I really hope that you enjoy all of it!


November Calendar Cards

Hey everyone! Check out my new, super cute November Calendar Cards by clicking here. They are of course FREE and even though I'm late getting them out this year can definitely be saved for next year! YAY! Enjoy!


Weather Clipart

My Weather Clipart is FREE {until January 1st, 2014} so grab it while you can! Just click here to find it on TPT. This set includes 45 images {black & white, color, png & jpg, 300 ppi} and they're adorable! In the next couple of days I'll put up my cute calendar cards I made using this clipart! I hope you enjoy it!


Thanksgiving Clipart

My Thanksgiving Clipart is FREE {until January 1st, 2014} so grab it while you can! Just click here to find it on TPT. This set includes 32 images {black & white, color, png & jpg, 300 dpi} and they're adorable! I'm sure you'll be seeing them a lot in the next couple of weeks as I finish all of my Fall/Thanksgiving plans! Enjoy!


Thanksgiving 6-Piece Puzzles

We're almost to Thanksgiving! This is one of my favorite holidays as it revolves around giving thanks and food. What could be better?! Even though we live in China my school is very Western and we actually celebrate the North American Thanksgiving holiday. Because of this I have created some amazing Thanksgiving 6-piece puzzles for my little kiddos! I think they're really like them as they really enjoy using puzzles. I'll add some pictures later of them using them too, but for now you can find them for FREE {until January 1st} by clicking here. They are in color and black & white. Don't forget to become a follower on my blog as well!

My Pinterest and Facebook Pages!

Along with the new blog I've also set up a new pinterest account just for The Art of Teaching products and other school related items. I think it looks pretty great. Check it out here. I've also set up a Facebook Page for The Art of Teaching. You can fit it here. You can also find links to both of these sites on the right side of this blog, just under About Me blurb. I'll be posting specials, deals, and freebies to my Facebook Page so make sure to become a friend!

Moving Sale and Happy {Late} Halloween!

Hi everyone! So, as I'm sure you've noticed, I've moved! You can still download all of my work from the previous blog but it was just time for a change and I have to thank Sophie&Rory for my new blog. If you like what you can see you can more of Laura's blogs at: She's great and super easy to work with! Since I'm still in the process up uploading new material and moving some of the old material over I've decided that it's time to have a Moving Sale! This means that everything (and I mean EVERYTHING) from my Teachers Pay Teachers account will be free until January 1st, 2014. Even new material I upload will be free until then. Please become a Follower on my new blog and then make your way over to my Tpt account by clicking here.

Now, I know I'm a bit late on this one but I do have some Halloween clipart up on Tpt finally (just keep it for next year!) and you can find it for FREE by clicking here. There are 60 images {color & BW, png & jpg, 300 dpi}. I'll quickly be adding some Thanksgiving and Christmas clipart, as well as some others. If you're curious about how I create my clipart please see the Clipart page listed above.